Sexuality and Culture

Our kids are growing up trying to fit into a social expectation that does nothing but contradict itself. A world that scolds us when we’re too insecure, but also when we’re too confident. Too curvy, or not curvy enough. Too shy, or too bold. Too sexy. Not sexy enough…

Parenting a Middle Schooler

Their brains are literally under construction. They’re highly emotional, clumsy, forgetful, hysterical, goofy, and all sorts of out of control, and can’t do a thing about it.

Are you ready to grow?

The school year is starting here in beautiful Colorado. Some of us are longing for there introduction of structure and consistency, while others are still loving the summer vibes and grieving the end of this magical season.

Friendship and Discernment

If you’re anything like me, one of the thoughts that keeps you up at night is worrying about your daughter’s friend groups. Do her friends treat her well? Does she treat them well?

Collective Wisdom

While this can be a wonderful time for self-reflection and tuning into your inner-wisdom, it can also feel like a terribly lonely time. Self-reflection can quickly slip into self-doubt. Building a community of other consciously-minded parents can help you navigate those fears that can certainly arise.

Rupture and Repair

They can feel extremely painful, deregulating, and even scary. But the thing is, fights should happen. We connect, we disconnect, and we reconnect. That is the heart of any relationship.